It took Guy Delisle 15 years to complete Hostage. For two straight years of that 15, he drew a page a day of the story of Christophe André, a French citizen working for Doctors Without Borders. In 1997, André was kidnapped near Chechnya and held for ransom for three months. Continue reading “Hostage, by Guy Delisle: An Unexpected Exercise in Simplicity”
Zoinks! Ten Storylines! “Aya: Love in Yop City”
Originally published on September 30, 2013
Last post I finished my review of Chris Ware’s “Building Stories” by arguing its place in North American visual history. This week, something much lighter, but not to be underestimated: “Love in Yop City.”
Continue reading “Zoinks! Ten Storylines! “Aya: Love in Yop City””